Home Innovation and SDGs
Since 2017, Little Innovators School has exposed its learners to understand what the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are.
These goals are incorporated in day to day learning using real life examples.
Our learners are challenged through projects, outdoor activities, school trips and holiday assignments to align their creativity and innovation to UN SDGs. For 2020, the school focused on UN SDG #1, #2, #3. Below are the UN SDGs:
We emphasise to our learners how mission critical it is to not only leverage their own strengths but those of others for success.
For teamwork, the sum of the parts is better than the whole.
Together Everyone Achieves More With Organisation Resilience & Knowledge
With focus on the SDGs, our learners will be able to easily relate to the Kenyan Big 4 Agenda (Food security, Affordable Healthcare, Affordable Housing and Manufacturing).
Our learners experience holiday assignments where they recycle materials (SDG #13) to innovate items that are solutions to societal problems.
December 2019 to March 2020 was focused on innovations for SDGs 1(No poverty) , 2 (No Hunger) & 3 (Well being).
We believe in empowering our communities and to this end, we decided to be part of the solution to challenges resulting from the new improved CBC curriculum.
Competency Base Curriculum is a robust way of ensuring that learners are holistically prepared to be ethically engaged and empowered citizens.
CBC requires teachers to do daily assessments of individual learners thus resulting in increased learner assessment workload for teachers.
We came up with an effective learner assessment software, CBC Chapchap that greatly automates learner assessment and not only reduces writing workload but also reduces learner assessment time by half or more.
check out the CBC Chap chap software 👇